2005 YAP Dinner Dance Saturday April 2nd
Dinner Dance will be at the Cresthollow Country Club
The Dinner Dance is YAPCF's major fundraising event for the
year - every donation and gift counts towards helping our kids realize their goals and potential!
The 2005 Dinner Dance committee is recruiting volunteers, if you are interested in volunteering - click here to be taken to our feedback page and be sure to give your contact details.
Keep watching the site for important announcements!
2005 YAPCF Dinner Dance
September Update
In order to guarantee the sucess of this event, we need every family's participation in:
- Inviting guests to the dinner dance
- Obtaining sponsorships
- Obtaining journal ads
- Obtaining raffle prizes
We also will be collecting journal ads these are due no later than March 1st. You can get the forms for submitting
journal ads here.